Friday, November 5, 2010

Things To Masterbate With On Bus

Your secrets

Juan Jose Millas
Your eosinophils

This morning blood touches you. There will be, therefore, offering the inside of your arm for someone to strangle with a rubber band at the height of the biceps to manifest the vein, the vein of yours, which appears at once as a clitoris scared in the most fragile of the joint. There's the needle breaking the barrier of the skin, penetrating with calculated violence in the glass, which removed a few inches of plasma filled with leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils ... All that is music to yours, also your hematocrit and your hemoglobin and your red blood cells. That is because your red blood across the city in a test tube while you take out the car parking and put a song by Antonio Vega sing between traffic lights and traffic lights. Your blood on the one hand, your body on the other and I the other.

guess I'm now the laboratory technician who arrives the sample to just steal and instead to analyze me drink. I drink all the samples that carry your name like I could eat all of your biopsy, heart. And also would notice your eyes closed match, your creatinine, total calcium in your and your albumin, even if he had to drink up the urine sample so delicately, after getting off the foam liners, has placed on the bottle sterile plastic. You across town in one direction, your urine in another and myself in another, each victim of a metabolism, a transaminase, an alkaline phosphatase, a settling time of about ions, a lipid breakdown of some markers tumor. I think at this hour of the morning in your fasting glucose and I get excited like a teenager. Many words unheard up your body, love. And all this time raining on the city.


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