Saturday, June 28, 2008

How Do Your Period Look


Aquí estoy de nuevo. Despierto a las tres de la mañana tratando de exorcizar mis demonios con el poder divino del blog.

La otra noche platicaba con mis colegas del curso de alemán. Todos estudian alemán por que pretenden emigrar hacia ese país, bueno, con excepción de uno, que se va a Viena, Austria. Pero la situación, es la misma.

Al escuchar sus razones, de pronto me embistió como si se tratase de un toro enorme. Todos nos vamos, porque estamos huyendo. Algunos se van por que huyen del futuro en este país. Algunos se van by fleeing the country in the future. I'm going because fled the misery of my life.

speak of misery. I have hoped to leave, so ...

Last week I went to interview for my graduate studies, I found a curious fact that they mention that my math skills were "remarkable." If only the world were that simple, not fight to stay in one piece every day.

Only 2% of the world population has green eyes. Lucky them.

meantime .. I drew Edgar to talk to him. Did you What do you think, Edgar?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Deleting Facebook Log In History

I'm here. I have a gun

I'm still here, I had a month of intensive course for the Masters program.
I came to two conclusions:

I feel good under pressure.
I have good mathematical ability.

We'll see what happens in the meantime. Today is the day.