Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kitchen Chairs Everybody Loves Raymond

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Neon Semi Formal Dresses

Brother, sometimes I think about you and what would have happened if you had changed places with the target.

You'd be here, and I do not.

And maybe you cherish mas la vida que yo.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

How Do Your Period Look


Aquí estoy de nuevo. Despierto a las tres de la mañana tratando de exorcizar mis demonios con el poder divino del blog.

La otra noche platicaba con mis colegas del curso de alemán. Todos estudian alemán por que pretenden emigrar hacia ese país, bueno, con excepción de uno, que se va a Viena, Austria. Pero la situación, es la misma.

Al escuchar sus razones, de pronto me embistió como si se tratase de un toro enorme. Todos nos vamos, porque estamos huyendo. Algunos se van por que huyen del futuro en este país. Algunos se van by fleeing the country in the future. I'm going because fled the misery of my life.

speak of misery. I have hoped to leave, so ...

Last week I went to interview for my graduate studies, I found a curious fact that they mention that my math skills were "remarkable." If only the world were that simple, not fight to stay in one piece every day.

Only 2% of the world population has green eyes. Lucky them.

meantime .. I drew Edgar to talk to him. Did you What do you think, Edgar?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Deleting Facebook Log In History

I'm here. I have a gun

I'm still here, I had a month of intensive course for the Masters program.
I came to two conclusions:

I feel good under pressure.
I have good mathematical ability.

We'll see what happens in the meantime. Today is the day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How To Draw Accident Intersection

DMG Business Centre cv design space

Design for the German company DMG
high tech and cutting edge concept, the spacecraft will be used as show room to display the finished products.

Imagenes De Acné En Genitales



Concept: purity and simplicity, providing the maximum complexity of a building simple in nature.

Sets Milena Velba 2010

bioclimatic house UVM,

Universidad del Valle de Mexico

Campus Queretaro, contest

integration is sought, but not the mimicry of the building and landscape, creating a contrast with modern materials and lines unusual lines.

Best Point And Shot Camera Shutter Speed

Design Contest for decimsa

JB Tecnics plastic injection.
of French pharmaceutical company.
Location: Parque Industrial El Marques, Qro.
Concept: cleaning and cutting edge.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Linseed Ande Constipation

Every living creature dies alone.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gemmy Holiday Tree Light Show

Life in Amsterdam

Life in Amsterdam is strange, then. Unusual for a foreigner like me. The city is very small, you can go from "inside out" at noon.

Architecture is an orgy of variations of the Gothic style brick walls, palaces, wooden buildings, Art Deco. God is hard to describe, a real feast for the eyes.

The locals are very serious, everyone tucked into their world, this can be seen walking down the street. The excellent transport is the bicycle, whose road is explicitly defined in the sidewalks by "cycle tracks" to dissect virtually the entire city princess.

I could see the van Gogh museum, and admire live some of his most famous works, is an indescribable feeling to have the opportunity to witness firsthand the personal and artistic evolution of a character similar size .

may initially seem an odd place for an American outsider like me, but his gloomy seriousness just captivated me, Dutch women are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, a green that was not even on the color wheel.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thin Muay Thai Shin Pads For Sell


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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Harry Potter Fry Audiobook

The House of Laughter.

PSYCHIATRIST: Let's see, how much is 7 x 5?
LOCO1: 1000.
The psychiatrist says the answer in a book and
directed to the second mad
How much is 7 x 5?
Loco2: Thursday.
back to point the answer in his book and goes
the third,
How much is 7 x 5?
LOCO3: 35
PSYCHIATRIST: Okay. How you?
LOCO3: Easy, I divided 1000 x Thursday and gave me 35.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Acitviate Flight Simulator X On A New Computer


Sometimes I think I'm wrong of time, ie I was not destined to live at this time. I have been happy in 1850, without electricity, steam-powered machines in the flower of the English novelist and the birth of the tango.

the morning would study the sciences and the arts in my private library in the afternoon a walk around the cathedral with my hat, my cane and my monocle. Seeing people go in carriages laughing, enjoying life.
I have been happy in 1850.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Winx Club Glam Magic Dolls


The other day my mother caught me threatening to kill the parrot.

"You here? Do you have the courage to show up at my house? I'll kill you! "I screamed.
"Why are threats to the parrot?" I answered my mother.

God, I was sure it was my ex girlfriend.

Tags: opinion, friendship , thoughts, curiosities , relations

Friday, March 21, 2008

Are Go Karts Street Legal In Wisconsin

soon ...

Image Hosted by

Tags: comic, nightmares, culture, cartoons

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Collection Kates Playground


"The more time I spend with myself more I realize how extraordinary I am, all the qualities and skills that I possess, proud, I am convinced I am that kind of special people "

I wonder, then, how is it that people refuse to hang out with me, surely be amused big.

Ah, yes, I forgot to clarify that this is the description of someone else.

Tags: opinion, this , nightmares, culture, relationships

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blueprints For Achest

condescension disguised self-improvement.

are 2:29 am

Again locked in my mind, I have no desire for anything more than lie on the grass and see the different patterns that trace the gray clouds of day of my life, as if each one of them screaming at me "I can move. Stop and start again. You do not. "

a) Sometimes I think we all have a finite share of happiness.

Every minute I'm surprised (and scared) when it jumps to my sight a contradictory aspect in my life. Turns my head and His only achievement is that of a sad smile on my face, that smile that everyone will someday have tried, when you realize that things can not get worse, and the only thing you can do is smile in resignation. And this exercise is repeated in an endless loop of errors and denials. Of such moments life is made in purgatory, where we paid a punishment that we are not sure due, but the only way out is to try to remedy.

b) And what if happiness was never intended for some of us?

Today I saw a program on TV being interviewed people of various ages and social classes, requesting define the basic concept of "mind." The concept is easy to formulate and understand, the consequences are not.

Tags: opinion, depression, currently , future, this , nightmares, culture, relationships, life